The BBC Is A Pay TV Operation

Nigel Walley – February 2009

I opened my bank statement the other day to see how much I paid Sky.  What I found interesting wasn’t the Sky number, but the line underneath. By some quirk, the direct debit that I pay to TV licencing was listed underneath. I pay just over £11 a month to the BBC for TV and radio.  Now, as a middle class middle Englander, I understand how much value I squeeze out of the BBC for that money.  I probably use way over the average amount of BBC output, and don’t begrudge it.  What I find odd is that the industry still lumps the BBC together with ITV, C4 and Five in our discussions about free to air television.

The BBC is quite clearly not a free to air broadcaster.  I pay a subscription every month to access the content and it is quite clearly a Pay-TV operator in terms of the way it is financed.  The only differences between the BBC and the other Pay-TV operators are that it is a compulsory subscription and that they have a variety of public service obligations in return.

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