Will Chromecast be significant in the UK?

This week, Decipher released the latest figures from Mediabug Wave 6, our bi-annual media consumption tracker. The findings paint a clear picture of growth in video on demand (VOD) viewing, particularly amongst older age groups, and fuelled in part by an increased accessibility to get video on demand services such as Netflix, BBC iPlayer, and Now TV to the TV screen.

The high value placed on VOD accessibility to TV screens is no state secret, however what is interesting to track is the changing ways in which viewers are choosing to do so. Whilst VOD via Pay TV set top boxes has been around for quite a number of years, it is growth in consumption through ‘Over The Top’ (OTT) devices that has caught our eye. From weighing up Mediabug data with industry news, I think a battle worth watching will be between Smart TV’s and Google Chromecast: two slightly different ways of watching video on demand on your TV. more “Will Chromecast be significant in the UK?”

WHITEPAPER: Just How Disruptive are Smart TVs?

Hamish McPharlin – June 2013




It was 2007 when Yahoo! rolled out a partnership with device manufacturers called ‘Yahoo! Widgets’ that delivered information to your TV set via an internet connection. Suddenly, the ability to call up a quick weather report, news headline, or social media feed was in TV sets on the UK High Street. more “WHITEPAPER: Just How Disruptive are Smart TVs?”

What We Want From CES This Year!

PrintWe are about to make our annual pilgrimage to Las Vegas on our clients’ behalf, so we thought we would create a shopping list of the things we are hoping to see and the announcements we expect. We would love to hear your views:

Smart TVs  –  In 2013, these really have to start living up to their ‘smart’ billing.  A number of companies (including us) started to get under the skin of Smart TVs in 2012 and realised that they weren’t that smart (see our blog – here).   The main issue was the poor quality of their operating systems.  No one believes that Smart TVs will be running a proprietary OS in five years, so we need to see some light at the end of  the OS tunnel.  LG are showing their Google (ie Android for TV) sets, but will the rest follow?  More interestingly, will Microsoft announce a Smart TV OS based on Windows 8 for third party OEMs?  This could see the Xbox look and feel arrive on a TV screen.  Samsung make laptops with Windows8 so why not TVs?

more “What We Want From CES This Year!”