Amazon and Netflix: a UK snapshot

Those with one eye on Los Angeles last night will have seen Amazon and Netflix put in a strong performance at the Emmy Awards, with programming from their respective streaming services winning a total of nine awards between them from a joint total of 46 nominations. Amazon’s Transparent was the evening’s big winner.

It left us all here at Decipher intrigued as to the impact Netflix is having upon the UK television market, and we dived into the upcoming Wave 7 of our Mediabug survey to find out.

Here we share with you some nuggets from the upcoming report:

18% of the UK online population uses Netflix, with there having been no change since we reported our Wave 6 results six months ago.

• By contrast, 8% of the UK online population uses the Amazon Instant Video streaming service, with there having been a one percentage point increase since the last wave.

Netflix’s subscriber base:

• Is more likely to be female (55% of the base), when compared to the general population (51%).

• Tends to be young: one in three subscribers are aged 16-24, and almost four in five are aged 44 or younger.

• Are more likely than not to be Pay TV customers. 76% of Netflix subscribers also take a Pay TV platform, higher than the general population at 65%.

• Are more likely to subscribe to Sky or Virgin Media than the wider online population. 42% of Netflix subscribers are Sky customers, while 25% are customers of Virgin Media – the figures for the UK online population are 38% and 19% respectively.

We will shortly release the Wave 7 report for our Mediabug survey. Mediabug is a twice-yearly research and insight tracker following the evolution of the UK media consumer. Following changes in awareness, adoption and consumption, Mediabug builds on and extends the traditional approach for technology trackers. It brings Decipher’s intuitive knowledge of media technology and the changing competitive landscape to create a new benchmark for questioning and analysis.

For more information on Mediabug, and our last Wave 6 report, please click here.


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